Woodcreek Montessori School

A Place for Toddlers and Preschool


Monthly Curriculum / Themes

January ~               Martin Luther King's Day, Arctic Animals, Transportation and Safety, Antarctica

February ~                Valentine's Day, Cats, Medieval, Fairy Tales, Chinese New Year, Asia

March ~                    St. Patrick's Day, Rainbows/Clouds, Clowns/Circus, Frogs, Western Europe

April ~                       Easter, Rabbits, Chickens, Eggs, Eastern Europe, Earth Day, Spring Equinox

May ~                        Mother's Day, Butterflies, Fruits, Birds, Cinco de Mayo, Central America

June ~              Father's Day, Insects/Ladybugs, Frogs, Vegetables, South America, Summer Solstice

July ~                        Independence Day, Sealife Animals, Beach, Turtles, Fish, all Oceans

August ~                   Wildlife Safari, the Rainforest, the Jungle, Africa, Camping

September ~      Back to School, Life on the Farm, Apple Harvest, North America, Autumn Equinox

October ~            Halloween, Pumpkins, Forest Animals, Magnets, Solar System, Australia

November ~      Thanksgiving, Turkeys, Pilgrims, Native Americans, Dinosaurs, Colonial America

December ~         Christmas, Hanukkah, Santa, Nativity, Noah's Arc, Arctic Circle, Winter Solstice


In addition to the Monthly Curriculum/Themes, we also teach Sensorial/Five Senses, Language/Letter Recognition and Phonics, Numbers/Counting,  Reading Books, Practical Life/Living Skills, Geography, Cultural Studies, Botany, Science, Spanish and Gardening.

Wendy D. H. Spencer, Owner/Director.       

Phone: (916) 300 - 4515.

E-Mail: woodcreek.montessori@me.com        

Lic #313609930

Copyright (c) 1997 Woodcreek Montessori School